Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 2 and 3 - Bathroom Renovation

Day 2 started with a two-hour trip to Home Depot. Twin A and I learned all there is to know about tiling and picked up the tile and all the fixings. There wasn't much time or energy for painting after that, but Twin B managed to get it cut in. Yay!

Day 3 started with a trip to Rona...because every day should start with a trip to the hardware store. We got the vanity! It's perfect: exactly what we were looking for. And on sale (for less than half of all the other ones we've been looking at) because it's last season's model. And we got the most beautiful and funky mirror to go in there as well. We weren't going to replace the mirror, but now the old one is so 15 years ago.

We painted.

We're ready to tile. Y'know it doesn't really sound like we're getting much done. And maybe we're not but it's Spring Break and I feel like the boys shouldn't be working too hard...just a little hard.

There is no earthly reason to have this picture at the end of this post. I just thought you'd like to hear about the winter vacation we took in January. The first picture was what my street looked like before we left. The second picture was what our backyard looked like in Palm Springs. Quick trip but so nice to be out of stupid, cold Stupidville (I really hate winter). We went with my parents and my brother and his family joined us a day later. We went shopping, we spent a day at Disneyland, and we picked lemons off real lemon trees.


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