Monday, January 3, 2011


I used to work with a British man and he always said "holibobs" instead of "holidays." It's cute, isn't it?
I'm taking a break (no, really) before day 18 of 30 because I've just come off holibobs and I want to talk about it. No, I didn't go anywhere. Actually, I feel that I've spent almost two weeks doing nothing but sitting on my couch, watching TV. But, honestly, I did other stuff. Like:
1. I went shopping. I spent almost every day at the mall for what seemed like a week straight. First there was last minute items for Christmas, then boxing day shopping, then I had to take Twin B to spend all his gift cards (some were even from last year! Gift cards are for spending. Geez, who's child is that?), but then I was able to crawl back onto my couch for a couple days to recuperate.
2. I knit stuff. I knit some mittens, a few toques...actually that's pretty much it. But it seemed like a lot at the time.
3. I exercised. I went to yoga exactly once and it was a yin class which means that you hold one pose for 4-5 minutes. Still, it's something, right?
4. I went for lunch. I love lunch. It's my favourite meal. Before Christmas I went for lunch every single day for almost two weeks straight.
5. Did I mention we got a couple seasons of Grey's Anatomy, all of Big Bang Theory, all of The Office, and all of Desperate Housewives? Because, seriously, how could I not spend my entire break watching TV?
Oh, also, I met a boy. A boy that is going to call tonight. A boy that keeps me from being able to concentrate on anything else. A boy that might possibly meet all the criteria. It's, obviously, too soon to tell, but I'm hopeful.


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