Thursday, March 21, 2013

Before and After


Look at this adorable little snowflake. It was so alone and cute that I just had to take a picture of it. How, by the way, can scientists know that "no two snowflakes look the same"? Wouldn't that be impossible to know. I wonder too, how they can say that nobody shares the same fingerprints. They haven't fingerprinted everyone in the entire world. Add that to my list of fears: someone with the exact same fingerprint as me commits a crime and I can't prove it wasn't me because I spend so much time alone in my house that I really have no alibi. Shit.

And this is what that cute little snowflake looks like when it calls every other snowflake every created to check out the picture I took. This is also what the first day of spring looks like this year. It's got that "never going to end" feel to it.
You see here before you a clean 16-year-old arm. A healthy, normal, regular arm.

And now it has become a bad-ass, sit-in-a-bar-at-the-side-of-the-road-and-drink-too-much-then-hop-on-my-Harley-and-drive-without-a-helmet arm. Twin A got a tattoo. And though it's a very functional tattoo, I'm of the mind that it could have been functional and not taken up his entire forearm. He, however, likes it and therefore I keep my thoughts to myself.

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